HK$ 100,000
US$ 13,000
£10,000 - HK$ 100,000 - US$ 13,000 -
Enable a citywide vision and strategy for children.
This could enable networks to map the needs of children in the city to know what is already going on, where there is overlap in service provision, and what opportunities exist. Whether it is used to help a new network get started or an established network review progress and look to the future, Viva’s situational mapping toolkit is a key resource. Based on the needs assessment, plans can be made for churches and organisations to work together to achieve more for children.
This is an average cost – the exact cost varies from country to country due to significant cost-of-living differences. 50% of this is what it costs a partner network to conduct a situational mapping exercise, and 50% is the cost associated with Viva’s support before, during, and immediately after the mapping exercise, including the production of a comprehensive report.
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