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About us

How the change happens

Viva’s approach has been developed through nearly 30 years of experience. This is how our approach works…

  • Problem 1

    Abuse, family separation, economic insecurity, mental health issues and lack of access to quality education are just some of the challenges facing children.

  • Problem 2

    The churches that are taking action are often doing so in isolation, while others are not doing anything.

  • Connecting

    Churches and organisations - usually in a city - come together and find out what's needed, what's already happening and what the opportunities are. A network is born as they develop a shared vision for the city's children. 

  • Capacity Building

    Churches and organisations are equipped to provide better care for children as they grow in their understanding of God's heart for children, improve their child protection practice and build their organisational capacity.

  • Collective Action

    By working together, network members can develop and deliver programmes that have a bigger impact in the lives of children than if they worked alone. Parenting courses, mentoring programmes and learning centres are just three examples.

  • Citywide Influence

    By coming together, churches and organisations can have a louder voice, and because of the high-quality action, they have a more credible voice. As a result, networks can influence changes in policies and laws that have a longer-lasting impact in the lives of children.

More children are safe, thriving and learning, living life in all its fullness.

Viva inspires, equips and connects networks to do all this – so they can have more impact in the lives of children.

Viva does this by providing coaching, supporting programme implementation, helping them access funding, creating tools to measure impact, and facilitating a global community of learning