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World Weekend of Prayer

7-8 June 2025

The World Weekend of Prayer for vulnerable children unites hundreds of thousands of children and adults across the world in prayer.

Thank you if you participated in the 2024 event. It isn’t too early to start making plans for the 2025 event, which will be held on the weekend of 7-8 June 2025. For inspiration, please see the video on the left and the reports below on the 2024 event.

2024 Event participation

  • 33 countries (20% not countries in Viva family)

  • About 3,900 churches and organisations involved

  • 50 city networks of churches

  • Of which 330,000 were children and young people

    • Prayer resource guide – 19 languages

    • 4 themes the story of John 9: activities, a memory verse and application questions to open up a time for children to lead others in prayer

    • Special song 2,200 views: English, Spanish, Amharic, Oromo, Tigrian

    • Talk outline: for Adult / Teenagers / Children (English & Spanish)

    • Drama video made by our friends in Germany: English and Spanish subtitles – ~500 views

    • 28 daily video clips – preparation prayer resources for before the event; English and Spanish versions 4,700 views

    • Animated video of John 9 story (English & Spanish)

    • While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.’ John 9:

    1. Praise the Lord! He is faithful to his people. This year, we planned one big event in the capital. On the day of the event, we had more than 700 people, of whom 65% were children. (Nepal)

    2. We had posts on our Facebook page, LinkedIn and Telegram group about the event. During the event, we shared about the purposes of WWP, then children came to lead worship, sing, praise and pray. They had time to request their own prayers. We prayed for peace, food, health and shelter for the needy. (Cambodia)

    3. Some churches conducted the WWP through a separate activity after the Sunday service to open opportunities for children in the community to hear the Word of God and be prayed for and blessed. (Philippines)

    4. One central event with children leading prayers, songs, worship and testimonies. (Tanzania)

    5. Promotion on social media, WhatsApp groups, Zoom meetings, organization of activities, face-to-face meetings. (Costa Rica)

    6. We partnered with two prayer groups in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. We sent out a prayer letter with prayer requests to these groups, which include nearly 3,000 pastors. We believe most of the pastors engaged. (Hyderabad, India)

    7. We incorporated fun-filled activities in the events like Bible storytelling, dance/singing interpretations, memory verses presentations and awards for children‘s academic achievements. (Iligan City, Philippines)

    8. I was involved in a family service on the theme, with around 150 adults and 20 children. (Germany)

    9. We communicate about the WWP every year, especially in a prayer newsletter (sent to more than 6,400) and more generally to people who sponsor children with us and with our volunteers. (France)

    10. We were able to gather more than 100 boy and girl children and teenagers to pray. We all prayed with passion and believe that God answered our prayer.  (Nigeria)

2024 Testimonies

2024 National websites – local resources