Since 2022, more than 800 churches and organisations who are part of a partner network introduced a child protection policy for the first time.
5,770 children have been part of a Viva-supported Learning Space over the past two years across 16 networks in 14 countries.
Policy change
Over the past three years, 28 networks in 16 countries have influenced 72 local or national policies relating to child safeguarding or wellbeing.
Viva’s model works – and the experts agree
An independent evaluation, conducted by The Sagamore Institute, concluded that Viva’s network model is living up to its promise of ‘bigger and better outcomes.’
Life changing education for 10,923 girls
This year, a decade-long, Viva-supported programme delivered by the Children at Risk Action Network (CRANE) concluded. The programme had been funded by the UK Government and was rigorously evaluated.
Stories of change
Supporting parents
Maria now has a better relationship with her mother – and she’s safer.
“Handle with care: contains dreams”
Education support and holistic care is changing Laura’s life.
After tragedy
Owen and Edward are now safe, learning and journeying toward thriving.
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