£40 a month
HK$ 400 a month
US$ 50 a month
£40 a month - HK$ 400 a month - US$ 50 a month -
Help mentor 24 children to flourish
This could enable 24 children to participate in Viva’s Flourish mentoring programme, a life skills course for adolescents. The knowledge, skills, and attitudes gained in the programme help keep young people healthy and safe and contribute as valued members of their communities. Churches and organisations that are part of partner networks find Flourish a high-impact programme and an effective way of engaging young people.
This is an average cost – the exact cost varies from country to country due to significant cost-of-living differences. 85% of this is what it costs a partner network to run the Flourish programme, and 15% is a contribution to Viva’s costs of supporting the network as they run Flourish, including the ongoing development of programme materials.
Donating in UK £
Donating in US $
Donating in Hong Kong $
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