Viva’s model works: our latest coach is excited to join the team
“For me, the uniqueness of Viva’s model of working to enable the local network and church is critical, urgent and most needed in our times.” –These are the words of Thiago, our newest Coach, who joined Viva in mid-2024. Although he is Brazilian by nationality, he is based in Paraguay and, brilliantly for Viva, speaks both Spanish (thanks to his Spanish-speaking wife, with whom he has two young daughters) and Portuguese fluently. As he gets to know Viva and the networks he will support, he is taking time to understand the context, though he is already aware of the kind of at-risk child that the networks are supporting, in Brazil at least: “I have to listen a lot. And learn. The networks work in the poorest areas. The most vulnerable areas. I need to try to understand those challenges which affect the rights of children.”
Thiago has been working with children for many years, previously in roles with World Vision and as a Country Director for Plan International. We are very pleased he has joined Viva to offer his wealth of development experience, and we are glad that he is excited to be part of Viva, too, seeing the value of Viva’s focus on children. “I love the thrive, learn and safe approach. Children have fundamental rights to learn, to go to school, to have a family. The number of children in most challenging situations in all parts of the world has increased, and this is shameful.”
Thiago (far right) at a get together with other Viva Coaches
Thiago grew up in a Christian home and has been part of a church family all his life. He feels he is “a personal result of my church’s (and, of course, my family’s!) commitment and care. Everything started with the children and youth ministry in my local faith community and my parents' engagement. Because of this involvement, I am truly convinced that children and youth-led initiatives are central and have involved and encouraged many young people.” His belief in the power and effectiveness of the local church aligns perfectly with Viva’s mandate to support networks of churches and organisations as they care for children. He sees the stability of the church as another major plus; whatever else comes and goes, with many or no resources, the church is always there. Additionally, coming from a previous role in an international development organisation with no faith dimension, he is well-placed to recognise the value of church-led programmes for children at risk. “There is a gap when people don’t see the contribution of faith-based organisations. The church has a very important contribution in terms of social behaviours and social justice.”
Thiago is serving as a Coach for Latin American and Caribbean partners in Bolivia, Brazil, Honduras and Paraguay. He is currently getting to know the network coordinators, providing pastoral care, discovering their needs, and helping them strategise their work with children. As a previous Country Director, Thiago is used to making complex decisions every day that result in direct action. His new role with Viva is a new but welcome challenge where he gets to “Connect people, resources, ideas. Instead of me deciding, the networks decide what is the most urgent and needed things. They decide the priorities. Now, I am not deciding or implementing. Viva is a bridge... My prayer is to raise more people interested in supporting and responding to the prescent need for resources in the poorest areas we are serving. I want to be part of something – part of the change.”