What Viva does to support networks

Collective Action

Birth Registration

Originally developed by partner network, Red Viva Guatemala, the 'I exist' campaign leverages the reach of churches and community-based organisations, to encourage, and make it easier for, parents to register the birth of their child – enabling that child to access essential services.

Family Strengthening

During COVID-19 lockdown, Viva's phone mentoring programme gained global attention and put Viva on the map at being at the forefront of supporting families in crisis. Viva has also supported partner networks to lead the way in mobilising churches to promote and support foster care and adoption.

Catch-up Education

Taking the learning of partner networks in Uganda and Nepal, Viva's 'Learning Spaces' programme is a model to equip learning mentors to provide psychosocial and learning support for children – enabling them to stay in education or return to education if they have already left.

Sarah is enjoying learning

12-year-old Sarah is part of a Learning Space run by Viva's partner network in Nepal, CarNet. She says, "I enjoy coming to the Learning Space. I am getting help in my school assignments, learning new things, games, and arts."

Viva's Learning Spaces is an initiative in which partner networks create safe spaces where children receive holistic academic and psychosocial support. Sarah's mother works as a housekeeper and is the sole breadwinner of the family. After visiting one in the local church, she was impressed by the environment and enrolled Sarah.

Sarah has become more confident in her studies and benefits from the dedication of the learning mentors trained by CarNet, a Viva Partner Network. Viva has partnered with CarNet by providing funding, assistance with programme development, and ongoing coaching.

Children who are part of a Learning Space develop a deeper commitment and joy for learning and are more likely to continue their education journey. 

Name changed. Image is real. Used with permission. Photo credit: CarNet, Nepal.